This is NOT a public forum and is for the use of ProfessioNAIL store owners only.
Forum Rules & Regulations
This is NOT a public forum and is for the use of ProfessioNAIL store owners only.
Please read this before registration and posting.
The forum is a place where ProfessioNail business owners can interact and have discussions about different topics with other store owners throughout the world.
You can register with username & email.
New users must agree to terms and conditions are automatically given a “Blocked” role while they wait for approval from the Website Administrator or Keymaster
We ask that you follow the guidelines set out in our Rules of Conduct to ensure that the forum has some productive conversation.
These rules and guidelines are enforced by administrators and moderators, and at their discretion they may delete posts without warning that do not comply.
Also, failure to comply with these rules or our terms and conditions and rules of conduct may result in a ban from the forum.
Note that ‘trolling’ , posting controversial (sometimes off-topic) messages with the intent of baiting other users to reply, will not be tolerated.
Should you forget your password for your account, you can use the “I forgot my password” feature provided. This process will ask you to submit your user name and your email and will then generate a new password to reclaim your account.

1. Registration And Use Of Password
We require each user to have a unique user name and password combination in order to access and use the features and functions of the forum.
As part of the registration process you will choose a user name and password.
Your user name and password are personal to you and you may not allow any others to use your user name or password under any circumstances.
We are not liable for any harm caused or related to the theft or misappropriation of your user name or password, disclosure of your user name or password, or your authorisation of anyone else to use your user name or password.
You agree to notify us immediately if you become aware of or believe there is or may have been any unauthorised use of (or activity using) your user name or password or any other need to deactivate your user name or password due to security concerns.
You agree that you are solely responsible and liable for all actions taken via your password, whether or not made with your knowledge or authority.
You agree to guard your password carefully, with the full awareness that a failure to keep it secure will enable others to engage in transactions through the forum.
2. Rules Of Conduct
a.) Your use of the Site is subject to all applicable local, state, national laws and regulations and, in some cases, international treaties. You are solely responsible for all activities, acts and omissions that occur in, from, through or under your user name or password. You shall not use, allow, or enable others to use the forum or knowingly condone use of this Site by others, in any manner that is, attempts to, or is likely to:
- be libelous, defamatory, indecent, vulgar or obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit or sexually suggestive, racially, culturally, or ethnically offensive, harmful, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive, or which may or may not appear to impersonate anyone else. Do not write hostile or insulting messages aimed at other users for their views or comments. You can disagree with someone’s views and still be polite about it;
- affect us adversely or reflect negatively on us, the forum, our goodwill, our employees or moderators, our name or reputation, or cause duress, distress or discomfort to us or anyone else, or discourage any person, firm or enterprise from dealing with our company.
- send or result in the transmission of junk e-mail, chain letters, duplicative or unsolicited messages, surveys, contests, pyramid scheme, or so-called “spamming” and “phishing”, or encourage other users to copy a message. Linking to these activities will not be tolerated.;
- be used for commercial or business purposes, including, without limitation, advertising, marketing or offering goods or services, whether or not for financial or any other form of compensation or through linking with any other website or web pages;
- transmit, distribute or upload programs or material that contain malicious code, such as viruses, worms, trojan horses, spyware, or other potentially harmful programs or other material or information, or link to any web site which promotes or teaches these actions;
- create a false identity for the purpose of misleading others
- contact”stalk” or otherwise harass anyone who has asked not to be contacted;
- collect, obtain, compile, gather, transmit, reproduce, delete, revise, view or display any material or information, whether personally identifiable or not, posted by or concerning any other person, firm or enterprise, in connection with their or your use of the forum, unless you have obtained the express, prior permission of such other person, firm or enterprise to do so.