Operating under the trade names of Nail Studio and ProfessioNAIL, our company established close to 400 nails salons in North America within the first 8 years of its foundation.
Over the next 5 years we established a further 200 salons throughout Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Asia.
Since 2005, ProfessioNAIL has also established salons in Northern Europe.
ProfessioNAIL remains committed growing its portfolio further.
ProfessioNAIL is always looking to partner with interested entrepreneurs around the world.
The preferred location for our salons is within enclosed shopping malls or what is known in the United States as lifestyle/power centres.
The space criteria for our salons varies from 800-1200 sq feet (75 – 110 sq metres) in regional enclosed malls, to 900 – 1600 sq fee (80 – 145 sq metres) in lifestyle/power centres.
Facing limited competition internationally, in the next 5 years ProfessioNAIL aims to penetrate further into the Northern European market (the Scandinavian countries), the Western and Central European market (Germany, France, Belgium), and the Latin American market (Mexico, Brazil Argentina).
Long term, we plan to establish further salons in the South European market (Italy, Spain, Portugal), the Eastern European market (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland), the Asian market (Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia), and the Middle Eastern market (United Arab Emirates).
Looking to the future, we are very excited about our business potential.
With our dominance in superior customer service and volume pricing, we strongly believe that ProfessioNAIL is primed for further development as we add new concepts to the full-service nail industry.